Frontage 经验丰富的员工和最先进的仪器提供您可以信赖的数据。依靠 Frontage Laboratories 的可靠性。从方法开发或转移和验证到样品分析和报告,Frontage 的生物分析团队在一个接一个项目的一致和高质量交付方面赢得了声誉。我们的生物分析专业知识扩展到组合的小分子和大分子,例如蛋白质、抗体、抗体药物偶联物以及小分子候选药物的生物标志物分析。


Frontage’s experienced staff and state-of-the-art instrumentation delivers data you can trust. Count on Frontage Laboratories for reliability. From method development or transfer and validation to sample analysis and reporting, Frontage’s bioanalytical team has earned a reputation for consistent and high-quality delivery, project after project. Our bioanalytical expertise extends to combined small and large molecules such as protein, antibody, antibody drug conjugates as well as biomarker analysis for small molecule drug candidates.
